Monday, April 23, 2012

Land of Wild Boys

I live in a house full of males, most of them VERY loud (see my previous post about this). 

I am totally outnumbered and mostly that's okay.  I'm not much of a girly girl anyway.  I don't wear makeup except on special occasions.  I don't like wearing dresses or high heels or really any shoes that aren't similar in feel to my purple Keens.  While I do have 6 ear piercings, I have thin wire earrings that have been in my ears for years...I NEVER change my earrings.  I get a pedicure (much to my sister's chagrin) about once a year, if then.

Did I mention I'm not that girly?

So, it's okay this Land of Wild Boys that I live in.  I have even discovered that I basically have the sense of humor of a 9 year old boy.  I laugh at the most inappropriate stuff.  Potty talk hardly phases me.  I'd much rather build with Legos than play house.

But there are some things that would be nice to share with someone in the house.  My love of old movies (especially musicals!) gets a lot of eye rolls and "This is so STU-pid!" comments.  There is no one in this house that likes to play with my hair, which used to be one of my favorite things when I babysat for girls.  I got some awesome hairdos that way and it entertained them for hours.  I could be wrong, but I doubt any of my sons will be interested in learning to knit or cross-stitch.  Some of my favorite books when I was young, like the Shoes series by Noel Streatfield and the Little House on the Prairie series are probably not going to mean the same thing to my sons, even if they agree to read them.

But, you know, my relationship with my sons is mine.  It's fun and engaging and we're making it up as we go along.  There are parts of me that will get left behind as we move forward because they don't fit in so well in this Land of Wild Boys, but other parts of me, that I didn't even know existed, get to shine.  And, in the end, we will have our own history together.  They will have memories to take with them into their lives as parents.  And they will have to decide which parts of themselves to bring with them.

In the meantime, I'm still going to force them watch Annie with me every now and then.  And you better believe I am going to sing along. Every. Single. Note. 

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